Laptop Tips
- Use a separate monitor, if available. If not, use a lap-top riser or place laptop on table/desk, elevated by books to eye height.
- Use a separate keyboard and mouse.
- Increase font size or zoom.
Work Surface
Should be close to elbow height, with elbows at sides and bent 90 degrees.
Take Breaks
Get up 1-2 times every hour to change positions, stretch and move around.
Proper Seated Posture
- Feet on floor/foot rest/box.
- Hips/knees at same height.
- Elbows at sides and bent 90 Degrees.
- Neck straight— head not turned to side and chin not tilted up or down.
Seating Tips
- Use a chair that will allow you to sit with feet on floor.
- If seat is too high, use a small box/books/footrest to support feet.
- If chair has hard surfaces, use a seat cushion and pillow/cushions for back support.
Prepared by the Ergonomics Division of the Duke Occupational and Environmental Safety Office