Types of Remote Work
Remote work comes in different shapes and sizes – from working five days per week off-site to working one day per week off-site. They can also include flexibility in when you work vs. where you work.
Here’s a breakdown that may be helpful:
“Remote Work” means work by a Duke Employee that is carried out on a regular basis at a Remote Work Location, defined as the non-Primary Duke Worksite where work is performed.
“Hybrid Work” means work by a Duke Employee that regularly works (i.e., on a weekly or monthly basis) at both a Remote Work Location and a Primary Duke Worksite, a physical location that Duke owns or controls and utilizes as a place where Duke Employees regularly work.
The type of remote work may determine other aspects of a job (dedicated vs. shared office/workspace, provided equipment, parking permit needs, etc.).
If you're ready to request remote work, start by reviewing the necessary templates, forms, and checklists. You can also find access to helpful videos for staff and managers to make remote work better for you and the department.
Staff Member's Role
- Consider need
- Describe the benefits for supervisor/customers/co-workers would experience based on the option
- Anticipate challenges, provide suggestions to address
- Be open to feedback and changes to the proposal
- Be accountable for written agreements
- Communicate with supervisor to ensure you are meeting expectations
- Regularly evaluate with supervisor and implement agreed upon changes
Supervisor's Role
- Focus on the organizational benefits
- Support concept verbally and through personal modeling of balanced work practices
- Work collaboratively with staff to address problems and/or obstacles
- Clearly communicate defined tasks and expectations
- Measure performance through results and behaviors
- Provide regular feedback on performance
- Be willing to reverse a plan if it is not serving the department's or individual's needs
- Set expectations for policy and procedures for Remote Work with all staff
Staff and their supervisors are encouraged to discuss their needs and to work together to develop the best possible arrangements for their situation.
Following discussion between the supervisor and staff member, the supervisor drafts a Remote Work Agreement (available on Forms & Resources) outlining appropriate expectations and understandings. The agreement, which should ultimately be a collaborative plan, formalizes the remote or hybrid details.
Test Drive Remote Work
The best way to begin remote work may be to start with a “pilot” approach to figure out what works best for the staff member and the department. You can use the Remote Work Agreement available on Forms & Resources to define and describe the specifics of the arrangement and then review, discuss and modify as needed during the pilot period. The most important thing is communication to ensure expectations are clear for everyone.